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Upcoming Events


Sponsor and Bowl

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Our major fundraiser for the Health and Human Service Division is The Annual Community Outreach Connection Bowl-A-Thon and Fundraiser “Strike Out Hunger.” The event takes place every year in August. The proceeds from this tournament are used to fund the ongoing efforts of Our Daily Bread Food Pantry program to respond to the Human Service needs of the community. We need the financial support of our community businesses and corporate leaders to ensure we close the gap of domestic hunger.
















Business Sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors!

Strike Sponsors
Spare Sponsors
Split Sponsors
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Individual Sponsors

Split Sponsors

Jerry & Carolyn Cobb
Linda Cobb

Andrea Hall
Mary Hemingway
Al Moten
Gladys Sanders


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Golf Tournament

Sponsor and Golf

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Golf Tournament
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Our major fundraiser for the Education Division is The Annual Community Outreach Connection Golf  Tournament and Fundraiser “Fairways to the Future.”  The event take place every year in October.  The proceeds from this tournament will be used to fund the ongoing STEM enrichment workshops operated under our “Minds that Matter” program and PEACE Scholarship program.  We need the financial support of our community businesses and corporate leaders to ensure the youth are provided the necessary tools and resources required beyond their basic academic curriculum.  

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